Project Manager/Data Analyst, Indpendent Contractor, Thunder Bay Ontario
Feb 2021 — Present
Assistant Researcher, Department of Astronomy University of Maryland, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Contractor
2017 — 2021
Researcher, Universities Space Research Association
2016 — 2017
NSERC PDF, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
2014 — 2016
Research Assistant, Department of Physics University of Alberta
2007 - 2014
Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics University of Alberta
2005 - 2011
- Ph.D, Physics - University of Alberta, 2013
- M.Sc., Physics - University of Alberta, 2009
- B.Sc., Specialization in Astrophysics - University of Alberta, 2007 First Class Standing
- Introduction to Astrophysical Programming (UMD)
- Introduces students to UNIX and running commands within a Linux, Mac, and Windows Bash/Windows Subsystem for Linux terminal. Learn the basics of scientific programming including good programming style, data types, control flow, numerical methods and scientific analysis, and visualization. Introduces students to version control via Git and GitHub.
- First and Second Year Physics Labs (UofA)
- Taught labs of up to 60 students.
- Developed weekly lectures introducing students to the fundamentals of scientific analysis, reporting, and computational analysis.
| Date |
NASA Early Career Public Achievement Medal | 2020 |
NASA Heliophysics Science Division Peer Award | 2020 |
NASA Heliophysics Science Division Peer Award | 2015 |
NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship | 2014 |
Excellence in Science and Technology Public Awareness | 2013 |
Dissertation Fellowship | 2013 |
Andrew Stewart Memorial Graduate Prize | 2012 |
Alberta Innovates | 2011 |
Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral | 2009 |
Alberta Ingenuity | 2009 |
Presidents Doctoral Prize of Distinction | 2009 |
NSERC Canadian Post Graduate Scholarship - Masters | 2007 |
Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship | 2007 |
Department of Physics Entrance Scholarship | 2007 |
Walter H. Johns Graduate Scholarship | 2007 |
J. A. Jacobs Prize in Physics | 2007 |
Vega Prize for Astronomy | 2006 |
Douglas M Sheppard Memorial Scholarship | 2003 |
Academic Excellence Scholarship | 2002 |
Shumko et al. 2021, On the Unexpected Correlation Between Relativistic1Electron Microbursts and Patchy Pulsating Aurora, Geophys. Res. Lett., accepted.
Ferdousi B., J. Reader, E. Zesta, W. Cramer, K. Murphy, Association of Auroral Streamers and Bursty Bulk Flows during Different States of the Magnetotail: A Case Study, J. Geophys. Res., accepted.
Sandhu, J. K., Rae, I. J., Staples, F. A., Hartley, D. P., Walach, M.-T., Elsden, T., & Murphy, K. R. (2021). The roles of the magnetopause and plasmapause in storm-time ULF wave power enhancements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126, e2021JA029337.
Smith, A. W., Rae, I. J., Forsyth, C., Watt, C. E. J., Murphy, K. R., & Mann, I. R. (2020). Diagnosing the time-dependent nature of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling via ULF waves at substorm onset. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, e2020JA028573.
Breneman, A. W., Halford, A. J., Millan, R. M., Woodger, L. A., Zhang, X.-J., Sandhu, J. K., et al. (2020). Driving of outer belt electron loss by solar wind dynamic pressure structures: Analysis of balloon and satellite data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, e2020JA028097.
Murphy, K. R., Inglis, A. R., Sibeck, D. G., Watt, C. E. J., & Rae, I. J. (2020). Inner magnetospheric ULF waves: The occurrence and distribution of broadband and discrete wave activity. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, e2020JA027887.
Murphy, K. R., Mann, I. R., Sibeck, D. G., Rae, I. J., Watt, C. E. J., Ozeke, L. G., et al. (2020). A Framework for Understanding and Quantifying the Loss and Acceleration of Relativistic Electrons in the Outer Radiation Belt During Geomagnetic Storms. Space Weather, 18(5).
Staples, F. A., Rae, I. J., Forsyth, C., Smith, A. R. A., Murphy, K. R., Raymer, K. M., et al. (2020). Do Statistical Models Capture the Dynamics of the Magnetopause During Sudden Magnetospheric Compressions? Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125(4).
Smith, A. W., Rae, I. J., Forsyth, C., Watt, C. E. J., & Murphy, K. R. (2020). On the Magnetospheric ULF Wave Counterpart of Substorm Onset. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125(4).
Ozeke, L. G., Mann, I. R., Olifer, L., Dufresne, K. Y., Morley, S. K., Claudepierre, S. G., et al. (2020). Rapid Outer Radiation Belt Flux Dropouts and Fast Acceleration During the March 2015 and 2013 Storms: The Role of Ultra-Low Frequency Wave Transport From a Dynamic Outer Boundary. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125(2).
Mann, I. R., Ozeke, L. G., Degeling, A., Murphy, K. R., and Rankin, R. (2019). Ultra-Low-Frequency Wave-Particle Interactions in Mandea, M., Korte, M., Yau, A., & Petrovsky, E. (Eds.), pages 190-194. Geomagnetism, aeronomy and space weather : A journey from the earth's core to the sun.
Mann, I. R. , Pakhotin, I. P. , Rae, I. J. , Murphy, K. R. , Ozeke, L. G., Knudsen, D. J., Kale, A., and Milling, D. K. (2019). Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling and Ionospheric Dynamics during Storms and Substorms: Role of Alfven Waves in Mandea, M., Korte, M., Yau, A., & Petrovsky, E. (Eds.), pages 229-250. Geomagnetism, aeronomy and space weather : A journey from the earth's core to the sun.
Rae, I. J., Murphy, K. R., Watt, C. E. J., Sandhu, J. K., Georgiou, M., Degeling, A. W., et al. (2019). How do Ultra-Low Frequency waves access the inner magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms? Geophysical Research Letters, 699-709.
Sandhu, J. K., Rae, I. J., Freeman, M. P., Gkioulidou, M., Forsyth, C., Reeves, G. D., et al. (2019). Substorm-Ring Current Coupling: A Comparison of Isolated and Compound Substorms. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124(8), 6776-6791.
Bentley, S. N., Watt, C. E. J., Rae, I. J., Owens, M. J., Murphy, K., Lockwood, M., & Sandhu, J. K. (2019). Capturing Uncertainty in Magnetospheric Ultralow Frequency Wave Models. Space Weather, 17(4), 599-618.
Ozeke, L. G., Mann, I. R., Claudepierre, S. G., Henderson, M., Morley, S. K., Murphy, K. R., et al. (2019). The March 2015 Superstorm Revisited: Phase Space Density Profiles and Fast ULF Wave Diffusive Transport. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124(2).
Sibeck, D.G. and Murphy, K.R. (2021). Large-Scale Structure and Dynamics of the Magnetosphere. In Magnetospheres in the Solar System (eds R. Maggiolo, N. André, H. Hasegawa, D.T. Welling, Y. Zhang and L.J. Paxton).
Kalmoni, N. M. E., Rae, I. J., Watt, C. E. J., Murphy, K. R., Samara, M., Michell, R. G., et al. (2018). A diagnosis of the plasma waves responsible for the explosive energy release of substorm onset. Nature Communications, 9(1), 4806.
Shi, X., Baker, J. B. H., Ruohoniemi, J. M., Hartinger, M. D., Murphy, K. R., Rodriguez, J. V., et al. (2018). Long-Lasting Poloidal ULF Waves Observed by Multiple Satellites and High-Latitude SuperDARN Radars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123(10).
Murphy, K. R., Inglis, A. R., Sibeck, D. G., Rae, I. J., Watt, C. E. J., Silveira, M., et al. (2018). Determining the Mode, Frequency, and Azimuthal Wave Number of ULF Waves During a HSS and Moderate Geomagnetic Storm. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123(8).
Remya, B., Sibeck, D. G., Halford, A. J., Murphy, K. R., Reeves, G. D., Singer, H. J., et al. (2018). Ion Injection Triggered EMIC Waves in the Earth's Magnetosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123(6).
Ozeke, L. G., Mann, I. R., Murphy, K. R., Degeling, A. W., Claudepierre, S. G., & Spence, H. E. (2018). Explaining the apparent impenetrable barrier to ultra-relativistic electrons in the outer Van Allen belt. Nature Communications, 9(1), 1844.
Murphy, K. R., Watt, C. E. J., Mann, I. R., Jonathan Rae, I., Sibeck, D. G., Boyd, A. J., et al. (2018). The Global Statistical Response of the Outer Radiation Belt During Geomagnetic Storms. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(9), 3783-3792.
Jonathan Rae, I., Murphy, K. R., Watt, C. E. J., Halford, A. J., Mann, I. R., Ozeke, L. G., et al. (2018). The Role of Localized Compressional Ultra-low Frequency Waves in Energetic Electron Precipitation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123(3), 1900-1914.
Mann, I. R., Ozeke, L. G., Morley, S. K., Murphy, K. R., Claudepierre, S. G., Turner, D. L., et al. (2018). Reply to The dynamics of Van Allen belts revisited. Nature Physics, 14(2).
Pakhotin, I. P., Mann, I. R., Lysak, R. L., Knudsen, D. J., Gjerloev, J. W., Rae, I. J., et al. (2018). Diagnosing the Role of Alfvén Waves in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling: Swarm Observations of Large Amplitude Nonstationary Magnetic Perturbations During an Interval of Northward IMF. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123(1).
Rae, I. J., Murphy, K. R., Watt, C. E. J., Mann, I. R., Yao, Z., Kalmoni, N. M. E., et al. (2017, December 1). Using ultra-low frequency waves and their characteristics to diagnose key physics of substorm onset. Geoscience Letters. SpringerOpen.
Komar, C. M., Glocer, A., Hartinger, M. D., Murphy, K. R., Fok, M.-C., & Kang, S.-B. (2017). Electron Drift Resonance in the MHD-Coupled Comprehensive Inner Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 122(12).
Watt, C. E. J., Rae, I. J., Murphy, K. R., Anekallu, C., Bentley, S. N., & Forsyth, C. (2017). The parameterization of wave-particle interactions in the Outer Radiation Belt. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 122(9), 9545-9551.
Yao, Z., Rae, I. J., Lui, A. T. Y., Murphy, K. R., Owen, C. J., Pu, Z. Y., et al. (2017). An explanation of auroral intensification during the substorm expansion phase. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 122(8).
Grono, E., Donovan, E., & Murphy, K. R. (2017). Tracking patchy pulsating aurora through all-sky images. Annales Geophysicae, 35(4), 777-784.
Walach, M. T., Milan, S. E., Murphy, K. R., Carter, J. A., Hubert, B. A., & Grocott, A. (2017). Comparative study of large-scale auroral signatures of substorms, steady magnetospheric convection events, and sawtooth events. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics.
Wu, J., Bryant, M. S., Ridley, C. G., Shen, Y., Yang, L., Clausen, L. B. N., et al. (2017). A comparison of small-scale magnetic fluctuations in the region 1 and 2 field-aligned current systems. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics.
Ozeke, L. G., Mann, I. R., Murphy, K. R., Sibeck, D. G., & Baker, D. N. (2017). Ultra-relativistic Radiation Belt Extinction and ULF Wave Radial Diffusion: Modeling the September 2014 Extended Dropout Event. Geophysical Research Letters, (September), 1-10.
Kalmoni, N. M. E., Rae, I. J., Murphy, K. R., Forsyth, C., Watt, C. E. J., & Owen, C. J. (2017). Statistical azimuthal structuring of the substorm onset arc: Implications for the onset mechanism. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(5), 2078-2087.
Pokhotelov, D., Rae, I. J., Murphy, K. R., & Mann, I. R. (2016). Effects of ULF wave power on relativistic radiation belt electrons: 8-9 October 2012 geomagnetic storm. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 121(12), 11,766-11,779.
Mann, I. R., Ozeke, L. G., Murphy, K. R., Claudepierre, S. G., Turner, D. L., Baker, D. N., et al. (2016). Explaining the dynamics of the ultra-relativistic third Van Allen radiation belt. Nature Physics, (June), 1-6.
Murphy, K. R., Mann, I. R., Rae, I. J., Sibeck, D. G., & Watt, C. E. J. (2016). Accurately characterizing the importance of wave-particle interactions in radiation belt dynamics: The pitfalls of statistical wave representations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 121(8), 7895-7899.
Forsyth, C., Rae, I. J., Murphy, K. R., Freeman, M. P., Huang, C. L., Spence, H. E., et al. (2016). What effect do substorms have on the content of the radiation belts? Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 121(7), 6292-6306.
Murphy, K. R., Mann, I. R., & Sibeck, D. G. (2015). On the dependence of storm-time ULF wave power on magnetopause location: Impacts for ULF wave radial diffusion. Geophysical Research Letters, 42(22), 9676-9684.
Kalmoni, N. M. E., Rae, I. J., Watt, C. E. J., Murphy, K. R., Forsyth, C., & Owen, C. J. (2015). Statistical characterization of the growth and spatial scales of the substorm onset arc. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 120(10), 8503-8516.
Yue, C., Wang, C., Nishimura, Y., Murphy, K. R., Xing, X., Lyons, L., et al. (2015). Empirical modeling of 3-D force-balanced plasma and magnetic field structures during substorm growth phase. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 120(8), 6496-6513.
Pokhotelov, D., Rae, I. J., Murphy, K. R., & Mann, I. R. (2015). The influence of solar wind variability on magnetospheric ULF wave power. Annales Geophysicae, 33(6), 697-701.
Miles, D. M., Mann, I. R., Ciurzynski, M., Barona, D., Narod, B. B., Bennest, J. R., et al. (2016). A miniature, low-power scientific fluxgate magnetometer: A stepping-stone to cube-satellite constellation missions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 121(12), 11,839-11,860.
Halford, A. J., Mcgregor, S. L., Murphy, K. R., Millan, R. M., Hudson, M. K., Woodger, L. A., et al. (2015). BARREL observations of an ICME-shock impact with the magnetosphere and the resultant radiation belt electron loss.
Murphy, K. R., Mann, I. R., Rae, I. J., Walsh, A. P., & Frey, H. U. (2014). Inner magnetospheric onset preceding reconnection and tail dynamics during substorms: Can substorms initiate in two different regions? Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119(12), 9684-9701.
Ozeke, L. G., Mann, I. R., Turner, D. L., Murphy, K. R., Degeling, A. W., Rae, I. J., & Milling, D. K. (2014). Modeling cross L shell impacts of magnetopause shadowing and ULF wave radial diffusion in the Van Allen belts. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(19), 6556-6562.
Murphy, K. R., Mann, I. R., & Ozeke, L. G. (2014). A ULF wave driver of ring current energization. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(19), 6595-6602.
Rae, I. J., Murphy, K. R., Watt, C. E. J., Rostoker, G., Rankin, R., Mann, I. R., et al. (2014). Field line resonances as a trigger and a tracer for substorm onset. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119(7), 5343-5363.
Ozeke, L. G., Mann, I. R., Murphy, K. R., Jonathan Rae, I., & Milling, D. K. (2014). Analytic expressions for ULF wave radiation belt radial diffusion coefficients. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119(3), 1587-1605.
Murphy, K. R., Miles, D. M., Watt, C. E. J., Rae, I. J., Mann, I. R., & Frey, H. U. (2014). Automated determination of auroral breakup during the substorm expansion phase using all-sky imager data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119(2), 1414-1427.
Mann, I. R., Usanova, M. E., Murphy, K., Robertson, M. T., Milling, D. K., Kale, A., et al. (2014). Spatial localization and ducting of EMIC waves: Van Allen Probes and ground-based observations. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(3), 785-792.
Forsyth, C., Fazakerley, A. N., Rae, I. J., Watt, C. E. J. J., Murphy, K., Wild, J. A., et al. (2014). In situ spatiotemporal measurements of the detailed azimuthal substructure of the substorm current wedge. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 119(2), 927-946.
Murphy, K. R., Mann, I. R., Rae, I. J., Waters, C. L., Frey, H. U., Kale, A., et al. (2013). The detailed spatial structure of field-aligned currents comprising the substorm current wedge. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118(12), 7714-7727.
Rae, I. J., Murphy, K. R., Miles, D. M., Watt, C. E. J., & Mann, I. R. (2013). Comment on Formation of substorm Pi2: A coherent response to auroral streamers and currents by Y. Nishimura et al. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118(6), 3488-3496.
Degeling, A. W., Rankin, R., Murphy, K., & Rae, I. J. (2013). Magnetospheric convection and magnetopause shadowing effects in ULF wave-driven energetic electron transport. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118(6), 2919-2927.
Rae, I. J., Watt, C. E. J., Murphy, K. R., Frey, H. U., Ozeke, L. G., Milling, D. K., & Mann, I. R. (2012). The correlation of ULF waves and auroral intensity before, during and after substorm expansion phase onset. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 117(8), 1-12.
Murphy, K. R., Mann, I. R., Rae, I. J., Waters, C. L., Anderson, B. J., Milling, D. K., et al. (2012). Reduction in field-aligned currents preceding and local to auroral substorm onset. Geophysical Research Letters, 39(15), 1-6.
Rae, I. J., Mann, I. R., Murphy, K. R., Ozeke, L. G., Milling, D. K., Chan, A. A., et al. (2012). Ground-based magnetometer determination of in situ Pc4-5 ULF electric field wave spectra as a function of solar wind speed. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 117(4), 1-17.
Ozeke, L. G., Mann, I. R., Murphy, K. R., Rae, I. J., Milling, D. K., Elkington, S. R., et al. (2012). ULF wave derived radiation belt radial diffusion coefficients. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 117(4), 1-16.
Ozeke, L. G., Mann, I. R., Murphy, K. R., Rae, I. J., & Chan, A. A. (2013). ULF Wave-Driven Radial Diffusion Simulations of the Outer Radiation Belt. In Geophysical Monograph Series (Vol. 199, pp. 139-150).
Mann, I. R., Murphy, K. R., Ozeke, L. G., Rae, I. J., Milling, D. K., Kale, A. A., & Honary, F. F. (2013). The Role of Ultralow Frequency Waves in Radiation Belt Dynamics. In Geophysical Monograph Series (Vol. 199, pp. 69-92).
Watt, C. E. J., Degeling, a. W., Rankin, R., Murphy, K. R., Rae, I. J., & Singer, H. J. (2011). Ultralow-frequency modulation of whistler-mode wave growth. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 116(10), 1-13.
Murphy, K. R., Mann, I. R., Rae, I. J., & Milling, D. K. (2011). Dependence of ground-based Pc5 ULF wave power on F10.7 solar radio flux and solar cycle phase. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 73(11-12), 1500-1510.
Murphy, K. R., Rae, I. J., Mann, I. R., Walsh, A. P., Milling, D. K., & Kale, A. (2011). The dependence of Pi2 waveforms on periodic velocity enhancements within bursty bulk flows. Annales Geophysicae, 29(3), 493-509.
Rae, I. J., Murphy, K. R., Watt, C. E. J., & Mann, I. R. (2011). On the nature of ULF wave power during nightside auroral activations and substorms: 2. Temporal evolution. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 116(A5).
Murphy, K. R., Rae, I. J., Mann, I. R., & Milling, D. K. (2011). On the nature of ULF wave power during nightside auroral activations and substorms: 1. Spatial distribution. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 116(1), 1-12.
Walsh, A. P., Rae, I. J., Fazakerley, A. N., Murphy, K. R., Mann, I. R., Watt, C. E. J., et al. (2010). Comprehensive ground-based and in situ observations of substorm expansion phase onset. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 115(12), 1-15.
Rae, I. J., Watt, C. E. J., Mann, I. R., Murphy, K. R., Samson, J. C., Kabin, K., & Angelopoulos, V. (2010). Optical characterization of the growth and spatial structure of a substorm onset arc. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 115(10), 1-10.
Gabrielse, C., Angelopoulos, V., Runov, a., Frey, H. U., McFadden, J., Larson, D. E., et al. (2009). Timing and localization of near-Earth tail and ionospheric signatures during a substorm onset. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 114(1), 1-14.
Murphy, K. R., Rae, I. J., Mann, I. R., Walsh, A. P., Milling, D. K., Watt, C. E. J., et al. (2009). Reply to comment by K. Liou and Y.-L. Zhang on Wavelet-based ULF wave diagnosis of substorm expansion phase onset. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114(A10), A10207.
Rae, I. J., Mann, I. R., Angelopoulos, V., Murphy, K. R., Milling, D. K., Kale, A., et al. (2009). Near-Earth initiation of a terrestrial substorm. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 114(7), 1-9.
Pahud, D. M., Rae, I. J., Mann, I. R., Murphy, K. R., & Amalraj, V. (2009). Ground-based Pc5 ULF wave power: Solar wind speed and MLT dependence. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 71(10-11), 1082-1092.
Liu, J., Angelopoulos, V., Frey, H., McFadden, J., Larson, D., Glassmeier, K., et al. (2009). THEMIS observation of a substorm event on 04:35, 22 February 2008. Annales Geophysicae, 27(5), 1831-1841.
Murphy, K. R., Jonathan Rae, I., Mann, I. R., Milling, D. K., Watt, C. E. J., Ozeke, L., et al. (2009). Wavelet-based ULF wave diagnosis of substorm expansion phase onset. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 114(2), 1-15.
Rae, I. J., Mann, I. R., Murphy, K. R., Milling, D. K., Parent, A., Angelopoulos, V., et al. (2009). Timing and localization of ionospheric signatures associated with substorm expansion phase onset. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 114(1), 1-15.
Mann, I. R., Milling, D. K., Rae, I. J., Ozeke, L. G., Kale, A., Kale, Z. C., et al. (2008). The Upgraded CARISMA Magnetometer Array in the THEMIS Era. Space Science Reviews, 141(1-4), 413-451.
Milling, D. K., Rae, I. J., Mann, I. R., Murphy, K. R., Kale, A., Russell, C. T., et al. (2008). Ionospheric localisation and expansion of long-period Pi1 pulsations at substorm onset. Geophysical Research Letters, 35(17), 1-5.