Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling and Ionospheric Dynamics during Storms and Substorms: Role of Alfven Waves

Published in  Geomagnetism, aeronomy and space weather , 2019

Recommended citation: Mann, I. R. , Pakhotin, I. P. , Rae, I. J. , Murphy, K. R. , Ozeke, L. G., Knudsen, D. J., Kale, A., and Milling, D. K. (2019). Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling and Ionospheric Dynamics during Storms and Substorms: Role of Alfven Waves in Mandea, M., Korte, M., Yau, A., & Petrovsky, E. (Eds.), pages 229-250. Geomagnetism, aeronomy and space weather : A journey from the earth's core to the sun.